FYF MOB is the desperate attempt by David Puente (whose short script won serious consideration for the second round at the AFF) to chase whims.

A single parent of none, David always enjoyed storytelling & entertainment in varying degrees. Childhood events led to the use of humor as a coping mechanism. This meant continual silliness (second grade girlfriend broke up with him for not being serious enough), a dry sense of humor, & shenanigans constantly afoot.

Having a near unhealthy obsession with tv & film (like most kids of the 80’s & 90’s) made memorizing a good portion of The Lion King after a fourth viewing come easily. Upon learning this, a local theatre acquaintance of mother’s suggested he try out for local plays — practically a given considering he recently he previously died a spectacular death as a mouse in a school performance of the Nutcracker.

THEATRE became a crucial piece of his being until being rejected by an acting school gave the impression it might be best to find a more realistic career path. While going to college for music production, this naturally led to the realistic career path of filming & video editing professional wrestling. After working behind the scenes in that capacity as well as having creative input, he realized that his life had already been quite insane with the opportunities afforded just from being involved in pro-wrestling. He finally did what any doctor discourages & listened to the voices in his head to start writing these ideas down & pursue some attempt at writing & creating the preposterous thoughts that tumble cycle around. Write me a line (hey, this is supposed to be third person) below or just enjoy the content provided.



David Puente